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The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

2 Corinthians 13:14

The Sunday gathering sends us out in the power of the Spirit to live and work for Jesus' glory.

These are some of the ways we encourage each other throughout the week, with daily habits and weekly meetings.


Church Gathering, 10:30am

Sundays are the heart of our life together. We gather on Sundays to worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, rest before our working week, and serve one another with our spiritual gifts.


During our Sunday worship we sing and pray, hear God’s Word read and preached, and receive Holy Communion.


In worship, God makes us more like Jesus so that we can live and work for Him in everyday life.


Trinity House, Grove Close M14 5AA


Morning Prayer, 9:00 - 9:45am

Join us for a time of family prayer & intercessions with a cuppa!

Please ask us for the weekly venue.


Ekklesia, 5:15 - 7:30pm

This group is open to everybody in the church. We eat food until 6pm, have Bible teaching until 7pm including a special programme for kids from 6:00-6:35pm; and pray together for our church and the world until 7:30pm.

Please ask us for the weekly venue.


Farsi Group, 8:00 - 10:00pm

This group is aimed at those who speak Farsi. We eat together, read the Bible and discuss what the passage teaches us about Jesus.


Please ask us for the weekly venue. 


Church life is everyday life. We each have different roles, relationships, and responsibilities which our gathered worship and discipleship training equips us for.


In everyday life we pray for one another, our community, & the world, share our possessions & time, and care for each other pastorally.


We also have everyday shared habits and patterns which including Reading the Bible together, Daily Prayer, and The Common Rule.

    ©2024 by Trinity Community Church

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